The annual star party takes place at the AGO observatory on the Simplon Pass. The event is held in all weathers.
The programme
- From 4 pm: Solar observation
- From 6 pm: Raclette, coffee, cake
- From 8 pm: Lectures in the training room
- From 9 pm: Observation of the starry sky
In the event of bad weather, the programme will be adjusted accordingly.
The first part of the star party is dedicated to observing the sun, whether in white light to view sunspots or with an H-alpha filter for prominences. Then it's on to the culinary part. This will be followed by lectures in the training room.
At nightfall, we will turn our attention to the starry sky. Saturn will then rise above the south-eastern horizon. If the weather is good, you will be able to see its ring system in the telescope, which is currently open by 10°. Later in the evening, after 11 pm, Jupiter will also rise in the east. Weather permitting, there will be a number of interesting deep-sky objects to observe, such as the Andromeda galaxy M31, the ring nebula M57 in Lyra, the globular star cluster M13 in Hercules, the dumbbell nebula M27 in Vixen and much more.
The board is looking forward to a large turnout.